Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas is an American actor and producer. Douglas is a Hollywood legend and icon, and this article will explore his life and career in detail.Michael Douglas BioMichael Douglas is an American actor and producer. He has won two Academy Awards, five Golden Globe Awards, and a Screen Actors...


7 Celebrities who got caught cheating with a prostitute

Stars caught with hookers - unbelievable? Not at all! Here is proof! If you like the nasty details, you're in for a treat! Being famous doesn't...

7 Celebrities who got married in Las Vegas

Married in Vegas - these celebrities did it! They have tons of money, several assistants to plan and live a glamourous life, so why would...

Actors in Porn

You'd never believe these famous celebrities started their career as porn stars! There is no biz like Showbiz! We bet you didn't know how many...